How to Find Product Keys for Installed Programs on Windows? 3 Ways

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Tracy King updated on Jan 10, 2025 to EaseUS Key Finder | How-to Articles

How to find the product keys for installed programs, software, and even Windows license code? On this page, you'll be showing 3 ways to find product keys for installed programs on Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 with detailed guidelines.

Do you need a reliable way to find product keys for installed programs and applications on your computer? Follow this page, you'll get a complete guide to get the desired license code of your installed software on Windows PC successfully.

How Do I Find the Serial Number of a Program

"Is it possible to find product keys for installed programs? I want to reinstall my Windows and I'm afraid that software reinstallation is a must. 

So here comes my question, how do I find the product key for installed programs on my computer? And I don't want to re-purchase some already existing programs."

Are you having a similar request in finding serial numbers or license codes for your installed programs and software on Windows desktop computers and laptops?

Yes?! Stay here. In the following, you'll be showing the complete procedure of finding product keys successfully on your own. Let's see.

3 Way to Find Product Keys for Installed Programs on Windows 2023

By checking the overall possible solutions online, here comes three methods that we think are the most efficient in finding a product key for your software. 

You can pick a favored one and follow its respective tutorial guide to recover the missing product key with ease. 

3 Reliable Methods to Find Product Keys:

  1. #1. Find Program Keys via Product Key Finder
  2. #2. Find Software License in Registry
  3. #3. Find Product Key via Software Support Team

Your Quick Guide: 

  • Note that if you know little computing skills, a professional product key finder in Method 1 like EaseUS Key Finder can help. 
  • If you need a free product key finder for installed programs on Windows PC, you can take Method 2 or Method 3 as a resolution.

Now, let's follow the tutorial guide of the method that you've selected to check and extract the software key on your computer.

Method 1. Find Keys for Installed Programs via Product Key Finder

Recommended Tool: EaseUS Key Finder

EaseUS Key Finder is designed for file and application migration between PCs, and local hard drives. Its Product Key feature makes it an ideal tool in finding product keys of your installed programs on Windows PC.

Let's see what can EaseUS Key Finder do for you: 

1 Click to Find Software Product Key Using EaseUS Key Finder

Step 1. Click "Application" tab under "Registry Key".

Step 2. View Applications Registry Keys on the right panel. EaseUS Key Finder will show all keys of installed software. Copy the targeted serial numbers. Also, you can click "Print" or "Save".

Method 2. Find Software License Key in Registry

Recommended Tool: Windows Registry Editor

Some of you may have heard of Windows Registry Editor which is normally used to manage computer performance and program settings. It requires some computing skills to run the Registry Editor for finding product keys of installed applications. 

So please be cautious while you are following the tips below to find software key on PC:

Step 1. Type regedit in Windows Search box, and hit Enter to launch Registry Editor.

Step 2. Follow the path and find the right location in Registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > "Software" > Open its folder.

Step 3. Scroll to find the correct software that you need to find its product key.

Step 4. Double-click "Product ID" or 'serial', 'key', 'license', etc., value to see the product key for installed programs.

Note that the only limit of this method is that it doesn't always work. It depends on your computer settings. If this method fails, go back and turn to EaseUS Key Finder in Method 1 for help.

Method 3. Find Product Key for Installed Programs via Software Support Team

Recommended Tool: Software service or support team.

For most paid software or commercial applications, the customer service team or tech support team could help you find the missing product key. You only need to provide the order information to prove that you're the owner of the purchased software.

Here is how to do so:

Step 1. Open the software support page, sign in with your account and password.

Step 2. Find your purchased software and check its product key.

Note that if you didn't find your software key, try to contact the support team for help. Usually, you can contact them online or make a call. 

Which Is The Easiest Way To Find Product Key for Installed Programs?

On this page, we collected 3 reliable methods to help you find software keys installed on Windows PC.

Among these methods, which is the easiest way to find a product key for an installed program? According to the EaseUS support team and users' tests, EaseUS Key Finder is an overall effective solution.

It enables you simply find the product key of desired programs within 1 click. Moreover, you can even submit a software list to the EaseUS Key Finder support team to expand its support list in finding software keys.