Toshiba External Hard Drive not Showing Up on Mac? How to Fix

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Jaden updated on Jan 18, 2025 to Mac File Recovery | How-to Articles

When your Toshiba hard drive does not show up on your Mac, it can prevent you from accessing your files and performing necessary tasks. This article will explore the common causes of Toshiba external hard drives not showing up on Mac and provide comprehensive solutions.

Toshiba external hard disks are helpful in many situations for Mac Users. They are well-liked by customers due to their quick performance and portable design.

Nevertheless, despite its great features and specs, you may occasionally encounter problems like Toshiba hard drive not showing up on Mac. To ensure a smooth encounter the next time, use this guide for step-by-step remedies if you find yourself in a similar circumstance.

How to Fix Toshiba Not Showing Up on Mac

Finding the problem's origin and solving it from there is the easy fix. Let's first figure out how to solve it, though. Some effective remedies to this problem include the following ones, which can also be used to resolve other HDD problems like External hard drive not mounting on Mac.

  1. Method 1. Changing Preference Settings in Finder
  2. Method 2. Use Terminal to Show Hidden Drives
  3. Method 3. Mounting External Hard Drive Using Disk Utility
  4. Method 4. Run First Aid to Repair Toshiba Drive Not Showing

🆘First-Aid: Recover Data From Toshiba External Hard Drive on Mac

Data loss occurs when a Toshiba external hard drive's connection fails.To the rescue, the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac allows users to back up all their important data. 

The data recovery software by EaseUS supports different kinds of recoveries, such as recovering formatted hard drive Mac, recovery from raw disk, OS crash, and more. The EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard helps Mac users recover over 250 different kinds of information. Users only need to follow three easy steps to start the recovery procedure to recover data from the Toshiba external hard drive.

Step 1. Search for lost files

Correctly connect your external hard drive to your Mac. Launch EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac, and select the external hard drive. Then, click "Search for lost files" to find lost/deleted files on your external devices.

select the external hard drive and click Search for lost files

Step 2. Filter and find lost files

After the scan, all file types will be presented in the left panel. Select the file type to find wanted files on your external devices.

Step 3. Preview and recover

Click the file and preview it. Then, select the files you want to recover and click the "Recover" button. You can save your data to local and cloud drives.

Many Mac users have proved the efficacy of the tool. If you want to resolve the Mac files recovery issue, share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms!


Method 1. Changing Preference Settings in Finder

You can adjust the Mac finder's preferences if your Toshiba external drive is not visible on your computer. Use these procedures to modify the preference settings:

Step 1. Open the Preferences tab in the Finder and select the Sidebar option.

Step 2. Select the "External Disk" option from the "Sidebar" to display Toshiba external hard disks in the Finder.

Step 3. Return to the "General Tab" and select "Show These Items on the Desktop" under "External Disks".

Step 4. When you've completed the steps, your connected Toshiba external hard drive will appear on the Mac desktop.

Method 2. Use Terminal to Show Hidden Drives

Sometimes, hidden drives on a Mac may not be visible in Finder, even if they are connected. You can use Terminal to show hidden files on Mac, including the Toshiba external hard drive. Here's how:

Step 1. Open Terminal from "Applications" > "Utilities" > "Terminal".

Step 2. Enter the following command and press Enter: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

Step 3. Restart the Finder by typing "killall Finder" and pressing Enter.

Step 4. Check if the Toshiba external hard drive is now visible in Finder.

Method 3. Mounting External Hard Drive Using Disk Utility

You can relax knowing that there are no major issues with your Toshiba external hard drive if it is visible in the disk utility. Mounting the Toshiba hard drive usually makes it accessible. When you connect a USB, the operating system usually mounts the hard disk automatically. On the other hand, if your Toshiba hard disk is not installed, you can mount it manually. Follow the steps mentioned below to force mount an external hard drive:

Step 1. Open the "Disk Utility" tab.

Step 2. After the tab opens, select Mount by right-clicking on the external disk in Disk Utility. The 'Mount' button on top of the window is another option.

Method 4. Run First Aid to Repair Toshiba Drive Not Showing

If the Toshiba external hard drive is detected but not showing up correctly on the Mac, it may have file system issues that need to be repaired. You can run First Aid to repair the issue. For this, follow these steps: 

Step 1. Launch "Disk Utility". 

Step 2. Select the external drive from the left pane and click on the "First Aid" tab.

Step 3. Click on the "Run" to repair the errors. 

Why Is Toshiba Hard Drive Not Showing Up on Mac? 

The common causes of Toshiba not showing up on your Mac were covered in the session above. 

  • Connection Issues: Poor or faulty connections between the Toshiba external hard drive and the Mac can prevent the drive from being recognized. This can be due to loose cables, damaged ports, or improper connections.
  • Drive Format Incompatibility: If the Toshiba external hard drive is formatted in a file system Mac does not support, such as NTFS, the drive may not appear on the Mac desktop or in Finder.
  • Corrupted File System: A corrupted file system on the Toshiba external hard drive can lead to recognition issues on the Mac. File system corruption can occur due to improper ejection, power failures, or software errors.
  • Outdated or Missing Drivers: Outdated or missing drivers for the Toshiba external hard drive can cause compatibility issues with macOS, resulting in the Mac system not detecting the drive.
  • Incorrect Settings or Permissions: Incorrect settings or permissions on the Toshiba external hard drive may prevent it from being mounted and displayed on the Mac. This can happen due to changes in system settings or user permissions.


Still curious? Click here to learn about How to Repair External Hard Drive on Mac.


The Toshiba external hard disk may not appear on a Mac for several reasons. The connection failure issue can be resolved in several ways, though. You can use any techniques described in the article if your Toshiba external hard disk is not visible on your Mac. You can recover your vital data using the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard if you lose it during connection.

FAQs About Toshiba Not Showing Up on Mac 

Here are some recurring questions users have on the same topic. If you still have any other doubts, refer below for further clarity. 

1. How do I find my Toshiba external hard drive on my Mac? 

To resolve this problem, you can attempt the following strategies covered in this guide.

  • Reset the USB ports.
  • Restart your gadget.
  • Reset the SMC on the Mac.
  • Make the 'Show' option active.
  • Format or mount the drive.

2. Why won't my Mac Recognise my hard drive?

A loose connecting cable, an out-of-date device driver, a broken or malfunctioning piece of hardware, a broken USB port, an infected hard disk, etc., could be the cause. The attached external hard disk may not mount or be recognized by your Mac due to these problems.

3. How do you fix the Toshiba hard drive not showing up in Disk Utility? 

To view the Toshiba hard disk in the Disk Utility, choose the Show All Devices option from the View tab. Refer to the tutorial for further methods.