Convert Disk Image to Virtual Disk File (.vmdk or .vhd)

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Tracy King updated on Nov 28, 2023 to Todo Backup Guide | How-to Articles

How to convert a physical disk image to a virtual disk file (.vmdk or .vhd)? EaseUS Todo Backup can convert system partition image file to vmdk or vhd file to create virtual machine easily.

Why convert a disk image to a virtual disk file

Differing from physical hard disk, the virtual hard disk is a file used as storage media for the virtual machine. P2V (physical to virtual) can help you:

  • Migrate the operating system on the physical machine to a virtual machine when creating a new virtual machine.
  • Convert physical disk image to virtual disk image to transfer data easily.

P2V (physical to virtual) function provided by EaseUS Todo Backup is the most time-saving way to create a new virtual machine.

How to convert a disk image to a virtual disk file 

1. Launch EaseUS Todo Backup and click "Tools"  -> "P2V Recovery".

Select Convert image

2. Then select the disk and partition backup image file to convert.

Convert disk partition backup file

3. Choose the virtual machine name and then select the virtual software vendor: VMware or Virtual PC. Click Browse to modify the location to save the image file.

4. Click "Proceed".

FAQ on Convert Physical Disk to VMDK

How do I create a virtual machine from a physical disk in VMware?

To create a virtual machine from a physical disk in VMware, you will need:

  • A VMware product
  • A physical disk
  • A computer on which to install the VMware product

1. Connect the physical disk to the computer on which you will be running VMware.

2. Launch the VMware product.

3. Select "Create a new virtual machine."

4. Follow the prompts to create a new virtual machine. When asked, select "Use an existing virtual disk" and choose the physical disk you connected in step 1.

5. Complete the wizard and start the new virtual machine. You should now be able to use the physical disk as a virtual machine in VMware.

How do I create a VMDK file?

You can follow the steps to create a VMDK file:

1. Right-click on the disk in VMware and select "Create New Virtual Disk."

2. Choose the size of the disk and select "Store with virtual machine."

3. Click "Finish" to create the VMDK file.

4. Right-click on the newly created VMDK file and select "Add to Library."

5. Select the library in which you want to store the VMDK file and click "Add."

You should now have a VMDK file that can be used to create a virtual machine in VMware.