08 / 21 / 2020 - 10 / 20 / 2020

Winners Announcement

Contest Prizes

  • First Prize

    $2000(1 Design)

  • Second Prize

    $1000(2 Designs)

  • Third Prize

    $300(3 Designs)

First Prize (1 Design)


by Luke Li1665Votes

Second Prize (2 Designs)

  • DR. EaseUS

    by abhinav.k1544Votes

  • friendly easeus assistant

    by Isaac957Votes

Third Prize (3 Designs)

  • Sir EASEmoUSe, shield and companion.

    by Mark Scott862Votes

  • George T

    by isabella.L495Votes

  • laarbi mole data

    by hamza essalmi362Votes

  • All Winning Prizes will be delivered via Paypal. If you cannot get it through PayPal or any question about the prize delivery, please contact [email protected] no more than Oct 20, 2020.
  • EaseUS will contact all winners via email to confirm the payment account no more than Oct 25, 2020.
  • The designs must not violate relevant laws and regulations.
  • The submitted design must not be published previously and must not involve in copying or plagiarizing a part or whole work of other persons. If any work is reported to be non-original, we have the right to disqualify the work.
  • EaseUS reserves the absolute right to interpret this campaign.
Contact US [email protected]