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2023 State of the Backup: As Data Needs Grow, Backups Need to Fill the Gaps

How Backup Frequency Is Trending in 2023?

This is one of my favorite graphs. Now with 15 years of data, we look at our headline question: How often do you back up all the data on your computer? This year we’re pleased that daily backups have not decreased and remain at similar levels to last year. In 2023, 11% of Americans who own a computer backed up their data at least once a day compared to 10% in 2022 and 11% in 2021. Weekly (8% in 2023 and 7% for both previous years) and monthly (15% in 2023 and 13% and 14% in the two previous years) backups among those who own a computer are similar to the past years as well.

The number of people who have never backed up data also remains at similar levels, with 18% of Americans who own a computer saying they’ve never backed up data in 2023 compared to 20% saying the same in the prior two years.

Here’s A Comparison Of The 2023 Data Compared to When We First Started In 2008

We would love to see the daily backups skyrocketing year over year, because at the end of the day, if people aren’t backing up frequently, they are at risk of losing at least that day’s worth of data, which is one of the things that EaseUS Todo Backup is trying to help people avoid.

The Title of “Best” at Backing Up Is Up For Grabs

  • A women between 35-44 years of age

    21% likely to backup versus 9% of those 18-34 and 6% of those 55-64

  • Who lives in the Western United States

    17% more likely to back up vs. the South and Midwest at 9% and 7%, respectively

  • With a household income of over $100K

    13% likely to back up their data versus those households of $50K-$74.9K which are at 6%

The Americans Who Own A Computer:

  • 80% backed up all the data on that computer at least once.
  • 41% of those folks fully back it up once a month or more often.
  • 57% who have ever backed up use a “cloud-based” system as their primary backup.
  • 12% of computer owners use a cloud backup service as their primary backup.
  • 52% say their service automatically backs up all the data on their computer.
  • 25% say it backs up only the data they select with no limitations.
  • 9% say it backs up only the data they select but with some limits.
  • 3% marked “other” and more concerningly…
  • 10% are not sure at all.

Cloud Services Are All Around

Now, “the cloud” is a household name although it’s something of an amorphous concept for many—but there’s no denying that the cloud is accessible to consumers and companies alike.

  • 65%

    Nearly two in three Americans (65%) who have backed up all the data on their computer use a cloud-based system as their primary backup method.

  • 67%

    Those who use the cloud services backup (63%), drive (67%), or sync (62%) to back up their computers are much more likely to say their backup method automatically backs up all the data on their computer than those who use an external hard drive (36%).

  • 21%

    Those who use a cloud backup service are more likely to say they had to recover, access, or restore lost data from their computer in the past month than those who use a cloud drive service, cloud sync service, or external hard drive (18% vs. 9% and 7% each).

Data Loss Can Happen to Anyone, Defend Your Data Against Any Threats!

External Hard Drive Backup

External hard drive backups are still quite popular. Please note that you do not use a good backup method if you then keep the physical backup at home or on the same PC. Safe storage of an external hard drive is important.

External hard drives are mainly used for data storage and PC backups. The biggest disadvantage of an external hard drive is that the hard drive can break down or get lost. Physical external hard drives are often not handled with care or they are collecting dust for too long. The biggest advantage is that the storage space only needs to be purchased once.

Online Backup Service

Keeping your backup in the cloud is a good and future-proof alternative to physical data storage, instead of an external hard drive or USB stick. An external hard drive or USB stick can be lost or damaged. The biggest advantage of storing files in the cloud is that they are available anytime, anywhere. In terms of security, you should always pay close attention to access and security with cloud backups.

Backup Smartphone

It often goes wrong here! Did you know that a backup with, for example, iPhone does not store your photos and documents? 9 out of 10 times these images are stored in your iCloud and therefore not on backups. (1*) So is your iCloud account stolen or hacked? Then you can still lose everything. In addition, these backups pushed from operating systems are often stored in the cloud storage of expensive services, there are cheaper alternatives!

Secure and Easy-to-use Backup for Businesses of All Sizes

  • Full Support to Backup of servers, workstations and PCs

  • One License for Multiple Activation

  • Onsite and Offsite Backup Are Available

  • Efficient Bare Metal System Deployment

  • EaseUS technical experts is online 7/24/365.

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Call 1-800-992-8995 for freeAvailable from 6pm to 7am on Mon to Fri PST

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