What Is the Command to Check Hard Disk Serial Number

Hi, can you tell me how to get the hard disk serial number for my Dell Windows 10 laptop? I asked my friends, but they told me the only solution was to take out the hard disk and find the serial number. Then, I tried the command show system raid detail, but it said that show is not recognized as an internal or external command. It seems that this is the wrong command. Can anyone tell me what the command is for checking the hard disk serial number? Thank you.  

Best Answered by

Cici· Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Hello, I'm here to help you. If you don't want to take out the hard drive and physically look at the serial number, using the command lines can be effective. According to your description, you have already opened the Command Prompt. There are hundreds of command lines for Windows to execute different tasks, so you have to type in the correct one to check your hard disk serial number. The command you are looking for should be:

  • wmic diskdrive get model,serialNumber,size,mediaType

After entering this command, you can see the detailed information on your hard disk, including the serial number. Using the exact command line can be difficult for non-IT professionals. Unexpected errors can occur if you type in the incorrect ones. To avoid this, I recommend you choose an easier way to check your hard disk serial number. Tools such as EaseUS Partition Master Professional can help you do the job much easier. You don't have to type complex commands.

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You can follow the steps below:

Step 1. Launch EaseUS Partition Master and go to the "Partition Manager" tab.

Step 2. Choose your hard disk. The disk health and temperature are shown in the upper right corner of the window.

Step 3. Move your mouse there and click on "Details". Then, you will see the full information about that disk, including the serial number.

Using this tool can help you check hard disk serial number much easier without typing complex commands. You can also perform a surface test on your hard drive to check for problems. I hope you find it helpful.

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