Excel AutoSave Not Working Error in Windows 10/8/7

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Tracy King updated on Jan 24, 2025 to Computer Instruction | How-to Articles

Excel AutoSave feature is not working for saving or backing up useful excel files in Windows 10, 8 or 7 PC? This article will provide an alternative way to effectively backup Excel files when the AutoSave feature stops working and guide you to fix and repair Excel AutoSave not working error with simple clicks.

Excel AutoSave not working on Windows PC, how to fix

Excel 2016, 2013 or other versions of Excel applications has stopped autosaving Excel files while editing them on Windows PC? Are you trying to find a way to repair and fix Excel AutoSave feature to automatically save and backup Excel files again?

Don't worry if your Excel file has stopped auto-saving files or data. Here in this page, you'll find one quick fix and two reliable methods to quickly fix and repair Excel AutoSave not working issue. You can now directly follow offered methods below and follow to see how to automatically backup Excel files on your own.

Quick Fix: Check and enable AutoSave feature in Excel application

If you have forgotten to turn on or enable the AutoSave feature in Excel application, you will not be able to use it for automatically saving and backing up Excel files on Windows PC.

You can follow below steps to check and turn on the AutoSave feature on Excel application now:

Step 1. Open Excel with Microsoft Excel 2016.
Step 2. Click on "File" and click "Options".
Step 3. Click the Save tab on the left pane, check "Save AutoRecover information every * minute" and also check "Keep the last autosaved version if I close without saving box".
Step 4. Click the "Advanced" tab on the left pane, check to Allow background saves the box and click "OK" to keep all changes.

Now that you can use your Excel files and the application shall autosave and back up files for you as settled frequency.

If you've enabled the Auto Save feature in Excel application, but it's just stopped working, relax! You can follow below two methods and make repair Excel AutoSave not working error right now.

Method 1. AutoSave and backup Excel files with file backup software

If AutoSave feature in Excel application has stopped working, and you are urgent, your best choice is to apply alternative software for help.

EaseUS file backup software - Todo Backup allows you to automatically backup wanted Excel files in Windows 10/8/7 by simple clicks. You can free download, install it on your PC and apply below tips to autosave and backup Excel file with ease now:

Method 2. Fix and repair Excel AutoSave not working error

If you still prefer to use Excel AutoSave feature for saving and backing up Excel files, you can follow below tips to repair and make Excel AutoSave feature work again:

Step 1. Follow below location to find Excel TMP files and re-save them as .XLS/.XLSX file:

For Windows 7 users:


For Windows 8/10 users:


Step 2. Use the Open and Repair tool to fix and repair corrupted Excel

1. Open a blank Excel sheet, click File> Open.

2. Click the location and folder that contains the corrupted Excel file.

3. In Open dialog, select the corrupted Excel file and click the arrow next to Open button > Click Open and Repair.

4. Click Repair to recover as much of Excel data as possible. 

Step 3. If Excel AutoSave feature still not work after Step 2, you shall try to uninstall and reinstall the Excel application on your PC;
And then follow guide tips in Quick fix on this page to turn on AutoSave or AutoRecover feature in Excel application.