EaseUS Partition Master

My C Drive Is Full Without Reason Windows 10/11 - 10 Fixes

What can you do when your PC runs on low space? Read all the methods to solve the 'my C drive is full without reason Windows 10' problem.

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Page Table of Contents

Why Is My C Drive Full Without Reason on Windows?HOT

Fixed: My C Drive Is Full Without Reason Windows 10/11HOT

  • Fix1. Extend C Drive - Fastest
  • Fix 2. Migrate Files and Programs From C Drive to Another
  • Fix 3. Scan for Virus
  • Fix 4. Run CHKDSK on the C Drive
  • Fix 5. Run Disk Cleanup
  • Fix 6. Delete Hibernate File
  • Fix 7. Uninstall Unnecessary Programs
  • Fix 8. Show Hidden Files
  • Fix 9. Empty Recycle Bin
  • Fix 10. Clear Temp Folder


  •  FAQs about C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11

Updated by


Updated on Aug 27, 2024

Storage space significantly impacts your computer's performance. C drive running low on space can cause troubles, including system crashes. To fix the "My C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11" issue, check the ten best methods EaseUS offers in this article below:

Fix 1. Extend C Drive - Fastest
Fix 2. Migrate Files and Programs From C Drive to Another
Fix 3. Scan for Virus
Fix 4. Run CHKDSK on the C Drive
Fix 5. Run Disk Cleanup
Fix 6. Delete Hibernate File
Fix 7. Uninstall Unnecessary Programs
Fix 8. Show Hidden Files
Fix 9. Empty Recycle Bin
Fix 10. Clear Temp Folder

Why Is My C Drive Full Without Reason on Windows?

Let's first see the major causes of your C Drive getting full without additional files or applications.

  • Hidden Files or Folders: Sometimes, your data is hidden from the drive to give the impression that there are no files in the C drive. However, these hidden files occupy space in the drive. 
  • Virus Attack: After a malware attack, viruses can immediately generate many files that consume the disk.
  • System Files: Windows and other operating systems generate temporary files and pages. Over time, system-related data can also occupy significant space on the C drive.
  • Disk Corruption: You can also face C drive-related storage issues due to the corruption of the entire disk or some partitions. These corrupted drives will display inaccurate data related to storage space.

Fixed: My C Drive Is Full Without Reason Windows 10/11

The "My C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11" issue can arise from the abovementioned factors. We provide several methods for you to fix the problem. 

Fix1. Extend C Drive - Fastest

If you are unwilling to delete system files or programs, you can implement a way to boost your C drive's data-holding capacity. EaseUS Partition Master can help you extend system partitions. To resolve this "My C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11" problem, your system should have free or unallocated space assigned to the relevant partition.

Using this method, you don't need to perform disk cleanups, removing essential data from the drive. Moreover, you can utilize the "Adjust with 1-Click" feature to automatically extend the capacity of the C drive with low disk error.

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Option 1. Extend System C drive with unallocated space

  1. 1. Right-click on the System C: drive and select "Resize/Move".
  2. 2. Drag the system partition end into the unallocated space so to add it to the C: drive. And click "OK". 
  3. 3. Click "Execute Task" and "Apply" to execute the operations and extend the C drive.

Option 2. Extend System C drive without unallocated space

  1. 1. Right-click a big partition with enough free space on the system disk, select "Allocate Space".
  2. 2. Select the system drive at the Allocate Space From (*) To section, and drag the end of System C drive into the unallocated space. Click "OK" to confirm.
  3. 3. Click "Execute Task", it will list the pending operations, and click "Apply" to save the changes and extend the C drive.

0:00-0:26 Extend System Drive with Unallocated Space; 0:27-0:58 Extend System Drive without Unallocated Space.

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If you find EaseUS Partition Master useful in extending your C drive, feel free to share it with your friends.


Fix 2. Migrate Files and Programs From C Drive to Another

Besides extending the C drive, users can also transfer the files to other partitions for data protection. For this purpose, EaseUS Partition Master offers a data migration feature to move files from one partition to another. You can move large files and programs from the C drive to any other partition within minutes. In addition, you also have the option to completely migrate your hard drive to another SSD/HDD to back up data before applying any of the following methods.

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Step 1. Launch EaseUS Partition Master, navigate to "Partition Manager," right click the C drive, and select "Data Migration."

data migration 1

Step 2. Select the data you want to migrate and click "Next" to continue.

data migration 2

Step 3. Select a target partition to migrate and click "Start" to execute the task.

data migration 3

Step 4. After the migration, the available space on the C drive will be increased.

data migration 4

Apart from extending system partitions and migrating data from your C drive, EaseUS Partition Master can also help improve your PC performance:

Fix 3. Scan for Virus

As discussed, malware attacks can generate numerous files on your C drive, leading to storage-related issues. Take guidance from the steps below to run a virus scan:

Step 1. After you press the "Windows" icon on the taskbar, type "Windows Security" in the relevant text box, and then click the "Open" button to launch.

open windows security app

Step 2. Upon accessing this app, shift to the "Virus & Threat Protection" tab to reveal several options related to virus scanning. From there, hit the "Scan Options" button to optimize how you want to detect malware in your system.

 tap the scan options option

Step 3. Choose the "Full Scan" option before hitting the "Scan Now" button to resolve the "My C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11" problem.

 hit the scan now button

You can share this article with your friends to help them deal with space-related issues. 


Fix 4. Run CHKDSK on the C Drive

The corrupted system files in the C drive can lead to wrong disk capacity. The following instructions will help you identify and remove corrupted files to resolve the "C drive full without reason Windows 10/11" issue:

Step 1. To start this corrupted file removal process, use the taskbar to reveal the "Start" menu. Search for "Command Prompt" and right-click the newly appeared icon to launch it through the "Run as Administrator" option.

launch command prompt as admin

Step 2. Type "chkdsk" and hit the "Enter" key to find the corrupted files.

run the chkdsk command

Step 3. You can also directly locate and remove the damaged system files by typing"chkdsk /f /r /x"and pressing the "Enter" key.

all errors on your c drive

Fix 5. Run Disk Cleanup

We recommend running the disk cleanup operation if the issue persists after removing corrupted files. You can delete large systems and temporary files in one go. Go through the steps explained ahead to solve the "My C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11" problem:

Step 1. Click the "Windows" icon on the taskbar to access the "Start Menu." Write "Disk Cleanup" in the relevant search bar to access different options to launch this system. Then, press the "Open" button to let your PC display the "Disk Cleanup" dialog box.

open the disk cleanup app

Step 2. Check all the files you want to remove from the system within the "Files to Delete" section and hit the "OK" button to remove all the selected data from your C drive. You can also delete all the system files from your PC by hitting the "Clean Up System Files" button.

Fix 6. Delete Hibernate File

Windows devices usually preserve some C drive space for hibernation files, which can affect storage memory. RAMs with 8GB of memory will contain about 4GB of hibernate files. The instructions below can help you get rid of them.

Step 1. Tap the "Windows + R" keys to access the "Run" window. Type "cmd" in the "Open" text box before hitting the "Ctrl + Shift + Enter" keys to launch the Command Prompt as admin.

open the command prompt

Step 2. Write "powercfg.exe /hibernate off" and press the "Enter" key to remove the hibernation files from the C drive partition.

disable the hibernate feature

Fix 7. Uninstall Unnecessary Programs

You can also manually uninstall the programs occupying unnecessary space in the C drive to fix the "My C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11" issue. Let's go through the steps in the "Settings":

Step 1. Click on the "Apps" tab to reveal several options related to the program settings. Press the "Installed Apps" button to proceed with the uninstallation process.

access the installed apps tab

Step 2. Locate the program you want to delete from your device. Press the "Three Dots" icon and choose "Uninstall" from the newly appeared dropdown menu. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove a specific app from your C drive.

click the uninstall option

Fix 8. Show Hidden Files

The following instructions will show you how to find hidden files in your C drive to solve the "C drive full without reason Windows 10/11" problem:

Step 1. Access "Start Menu" through the "Windows" icon on the taskbar, then type "Control Panel" in the relevant search bar. Press the "Open" button on the menu to launch.

access the control panel

Step 2. The "All Control Panel Items" window displays hardware—and software-related settings. Click the "File Explorer Options" button to open a new dialog box.

choose file explorer options

Step 3. In the next window, switch to the "View" tab. Afterward, enable the "Show Hidden Files" option within the "Advanced Settings" section before hitting the "Apply" button. You can then go to the C drive to manually delete all the recently revealed files.

 enable show the hidden files option

Fix 9. Empty Recycle Bin

After deleting the files from your C drive, you should clear them from the Recycle Bin application to free up space. We will show you the steps:

Step 1. Locate and double-click the "Recycle Bin" icon on the desktop to initiate this process. Doing so will allow you to access the files in this folder.

Step 2. Press the "Empty Recycle Bin" button to remove all the files. Hit the "OK" button on the confirmation dialog box to empty this folder and solve the "My C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11" problem.

press empty recycle button

Fix 10. Clear Temp Folder

To deal with the accumulation of unnecessary files in the C drive, follow the steps below to solve the disk space-related issue within a few clicks:

Step 1. Press the "Windows + R" keys to launch the "Run" dialog box on your screen, and type "%temp%" within the "Open" text box before clicking the "OK" button to proceed.

access the temp folder

Step 2. Afterward, you will reach the "Temp" folder containing all the temporary files that lead to the C drive space-related issues. Select all the temporary files in this folder and right-click on any file to reveal a dropdown menu. Within this menu, hit the "Delete" icon to remove these files from your system.

click the delete icon

We have provided 10 methods for you. Do you find any of them helpful? If so, please share it with those in need.



The "My C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11" error can greatly impact any system's performance. All the methods in this article will help you deal with this annoying issue. Among them, EaseUS Partition Master is a powerful tool that helps you better manage your disk. You are welcome to download and discover more functions it provides.

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 FAQs about C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11

If you still have doubts about why C drive is full without reason Windows 10/11, check the FAQs below.

1. Why is my C drive full when I have nothing on it?

It seems like your disk partition is empty. However, temporary files and system logs occupy your C drive. Hidden files and system backups also contribute to this. You can check for files in the Recycle Bin to eliminate this trouble.

2. Why does my C drive get full automatically?

A malware attack will generate hundreds of unnecessary files in your system, leading to storage issues with your drives. Moreover, the cache files of large programs installed in your system play a role. 

3. How can I free up more space when the C drive is basically full?

You can adopt several methods to free up some space to regulate the workings of your PCs. Take guidance from the steps below:

1. Access the "Disk Cleanup" system application through the "Start Menu" to begin.

2. Check and delete all the temporary and system files from the system. Finally, hit the "OK" button to complete this disk clearance procedure.

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About the Author

Updated by Sherly

Sherly joined EaseUS in 2022 and she has always loved writing articles and enjoys the fun they bring. She receives professional training here, focusing on product performance and other relative knowledge. She has written over 200 articles to help people overcome computing issues.

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Product Reviews

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TrustScore 4.7 | 49 reviews
  • It won't hot image your drives or align them, but since it's coupled with a partition manager, it allows you do perform many tasks at once, instead of just cloning drives. You can move partitions around, resize them, defragment, and more, along with the other tools you'd expect from a cloning tool.

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  • I love that the changes you make with EaseUS Partition Master Free aren't immediately applied to the disks. It makes it way easier to play out what will happen after you've made all the changes. I also think the overall look and feel of EaseUS Partition Master Free makes whatever you're doing with your computer's partitions easy.

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  • Partition Master Free can Resize, Move, Merge, Migrate, and Copy disks or partitions; convert to local, change label, defragment, check and explore partition; and much more. A premium upgrade adds free tech support and the ability to resize dynamic volumes.

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  • It won't hot image your drives or align them, but since it's coupled with a partition manager, it allows you do perform many tasks at once, instead of just cloning drives. You can move partitions around, resize them, defragment, and more, along with the other tools you'd expect from a cloning tool.

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  • I love that the changes you make with EaseUS Partition Master Free aren't immediately applied to the disks. It makes it way easier to play out what will happen after you've made all the changes. I also think the overall look and feel of EaseUS Partition Master Free makes whatever you're doing with your computer's partitions easy.

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